This entry is a good follow up to my previous, Sentimental Lady by Bob Welch. Same era, similar genre, and like that last song, it's in my mind all the time, but I've had no clue as to the lyrics, artist, or how to find it. Thank god I've got a sister who had her finger on the pulse of '70s mellow rock while it was in the making. All I had to do was whistle and hum a few bars, and say, "I think it might be about a guy named Leo, or something," and bam, she's like, "Boz Scaggs." I never even knew I had a Boz Scaggs song in me, but evidently I do, maybe even a couple, now that he's on my radar in a more conscious way. Happy birthday, Jodi! And thank you, '70s FM radio.
Artist: Boz Scaggs
Year: 1976
Rating: Luke Hot

that was so fun last eve. you whistle good : }