Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome to the Boomtown

One of the chapters used this as their song for my very first BBG convention when I was a freshman in high school (modifying the lyrics to, I think, "Welcome to the Region"). No one else from my chapter came, so I was sitting alone on a bench crying and feeling left out. Hildy grabbed me and made me sing with them, even though I'd never heard the song before. It's stuck in my head warmly for 23 years now.

Shouts out to the El Al girls!

Artist: David & David
Year: 1986
Rating: Warm


  1. Aw shucks, Suzie. I'm so glad that you joined us, and glad to still have you as a friend.

    And because I have a crazy memory, I can tell you that the song was "Welcome to the Future," because that was the theme of the convention. And I thought it was really excellent, except no one in my chapter knew the song, and Hannah Sennesh did a super catchy version of "Hi Ho" (from Snow White)...But I liked it (and sounds like you did too, for other reasons).

    Thanks for sharing the memory.

  2. I don't even remember this song, but I really love BBG stories like this. That's what it was all about. I have similar warm fuzzies for Howard Jones' "No One Ever Is to Blame" which we changed to "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained". Remember that one? ;-)

  3. Hildy, your memory is not just crazy - it's certifiably nuts, and awesome! "Welcome to the Region" was obviously my feeling of being welcomed, so thank you, across the decades.

    Jul, I do remember the theme, but not your adaptation of the song, specifically. But the warm fuzzies are totally shared, and I can completely picture it.
