Saturday, October 24, 2009

Magical Mystery Tour

The Beatles have been ubiquitous in popculture for more than forty years; still, I wonder how much, or how little, the recent re-releases/Rock Band phenomenon have altered their frequency in my head. This is the sixth post about them; two songs from months before the marketing frenzy and three songs since. I don't think there's enough data to tabulate it. Hopefully, this'll be the last post in which I'm repetatively musing about this dilemma, and in the future, I'll just let the boys from Liverpool do their magic in my head, unfettered by marketing guilt-by-association.

Artist: The Beatles
Year: 1967
Rating: Warm


  1. Great album! Have you seen the movie?

  2. You know, I've never seen it! In fact, during my several years as a throw-back Beatles freak during high school, I never saw one of their movies. I recently tried to watch Help! but I have to say it was kind of a snore.

    The Magical Mystery Tour album is fantastic, though - The Fool on the Hill, Strawberry Fields, Your Mother Should Know, Penny Lane...some outstanding tracks.
