Monday, January 24, 2011

2010 Review: Ratings

Okay, all you in the earworm gallery. This is the last installment of my review of 2010, in which we take a gander at whether I even like the songs that are constantly, mercilessly stuck in my head. Turns out, yep, I tend to like 'em:

While the peak of 2010's graph is in the warmish-hot category and not just warm, as in 2009, the songs I was truly hot for took a bit of a dive. Overall, it's clear that the songs that really annoy the crap out of me or songs that I can just barely tolerate don't make up a big percentage of the songs I tend to wake up to. The percentages of all the songs I've blogged and rated look like this:

4.3% Cold
9.2% Lukewarm
29.5% Warm
31.4% Warmish-hot
25.7% Hot!

The caveat about the probable data skew I made last year was simply that, since I don't blog every song that gets stuck in my head, only the songs I wake up to, it's possible that the curve of all my earworms goes more toward the cold/lukewarm end in "reality." However, I'd also like to acknowledge here that I don't even blog every song I wake up to, only some of them. Often it's a time issue, but sometimes it's because it's a rerun I've just written about or it's a song I just heard on the radio and therefore am less interested in blogging about. Sometimes it's 'cause the song doesn't compel me in any way to write about it. It's arbitrary. So if I were actually diligent enough and had enough time to blog every single song I wake up with every single morning, we'd probably have a more accurate ratings curve here, one likely to skew toward the cooler end of the love/hate spectrum. Also, this blog would be beyond boring. Trust me on that one.

If you'd like to delve into the rest of the 2010 Review entries, or take a look at 2009's data, please help yourself to the handy links below! 2011's well under way now; the data just don't stop!

Peace and love,

Related entries:
2010 Review: Eras
2010 Review: Whatnot
2010 Review: Genres
2010 Review: Artists
2009 Review

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