Saturday, April 28, 2012

Colt 45 Beer Jingle

Wow. That is quite the sustained (implied) orgasmic burst from our friends at the National Brewing Company (now owned by Pabst).

Just the tiniest snippet from this 80's malt liquor commercial entered my consciousness in the wee hours this morning. No known mental antecedent for it.

Artist: unknown
Year: c. 1980s
Rating: I'll pass. But do check out their Billy Dee Williams ads!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Louie Lime Green

Yesterday at work, I was whistling to myself all afternoon. I do this a lot (it helps that my Friday bookkeeping gig is at an awesome local music school). Working down column upon column of credit card transactions, the mind can automatically conjure up tunes and still manage accurate data entry. I thought I'd share with you the sequence of songs I was whistling. The thematic progression: roots rock, prog rock, Elizabethan minstrel music. Somehow it flowed. It helps that Rush is like, totally, Ren Faire.

Louie, Louie
Artist: Richard Berry (writer); The Kingsmen; etc.
Year: 1957; 1963; various
Rating: Warm

Limelight (Redux; last in my head on July 13, 2010.)
Artist: Rush
Year: 1981
Rating: Warm

Artist: various; unconfirmed origin.
Year: c. 1580
Rating: Warm

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Waiting, Redux

This song floats into my head frequently, but last time it was first thing in the morning was July 30, 2009. There does always seem to be something I'm waiting for, something unreachable. Best stick in the Now rather than the Anticipation.

Artist: Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Year: 1981
Rating: Luke Hot

*Note, my rating of this song has improved since I last blogged it. Tom Petty's pretty dang cool. And those jangly guitars really get me.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Earworms! Earworms! Yay! Boo!

Hello, loyal readers and folks new to my navel-gazey project affectionately titled The Songs in My Head! I just wanted to make an official announcement about my spankin' new Facebook page where you are most welcome to gather and join the conversation about earworms great and horrifying. Lately, mine have been on the horrifying spectrum, but alas, that's what you get for growing up in the 1980s. Please do feel free to comment here on the blog, over at FB, or on Twitter @soozzip and keep on singin,' whistlin,' and fist-pumpin' along to The Songs in My Head!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hands to Heaven

You gotta be kidding me! "We Want Some Pussy" and now this? Earworm gods: please spare me!

Artist: Breathe
Year: 1987
Rating: Cold

Monday, April 9, 2012

We Want Some Pussy

What can I say? There comes a time when this song gets stuck in everyone's head, right?

Artist: 2 Live Crew
Year: 1986
Rating: NC-17

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Young At Heart

Woke with this unmistakable melody this morning. A good reminder to us all to be young, and open, and view the world with fresh eyes every day.

Artist: Frank Sinatra
Year: 1953
Rating: Warm