Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You're In My Heart (The Final Acclaim)

This is perhaps the most cheesy and most appropriate song to pop into my head today. Amber and I have called it quits after more than six years together. She's been my lover and my best friend, and she's in my soul. Sigh.

Artist: Rod Stewart
Year: 1977
Rating: Warm


  1. Say it ain't so. :-( Sending you a big hug. Looks like you have a lot more healing ahead of you....

  2. Thanks, Jul. It's true, I'm in need of lots of healing: physical, emotional, even spiritual (and I'm mostly a nonbeliever.) Actually doing okay. I'll talk to you more about it in a less public forum. ((Love))

  3. Ouch. So, so sorry...that's rough. Time heals all wounds, they say. I guess it could be worse: at least it wasn't Michael Bolton's "How Am I Supposed to Live Without You" that was in your head...much cheesier!

  4. Good call, Lisa. :) And thanks.
