Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear Prudence

I always loved the White Album, all 30 songs lending themselves seamlessly to the whole, but "Dear Prudence" has only recently popped out at me as a stand-alone masterpiece. The gathering momentum of the orchestration, the loving encouragement to coax us out of our shell and into the world of experience. What a life-affirming mantra. Holy shit, it's so beautiful.

Artist: The Beatles
Year: 1968
Rating: Hot!


  1. I've been listening to early Beatles this week.. So rare to have the opportunity to really listen, and not to let the music be the background :)

  2. They are such a joy. I've spent a lot of years not listening to them much, since my childhood through early 20s were so saturated with them. But I'm enjoying them anew, as well!
