Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We're Going to be Friends

White Stripes aficionados out there may groan that I've chosen the opening credits of Napoleon Dynamite to showcase this song. But truth is, this is how I first heard it, and I can't really think about it without a parade of tater tots and salisbury steaks running through my mind.

Artist: The White Stripes
Year: 2001
Rating: Warm


  1. Not too big of a WS fan (for that matter, not at all a fan of ND), but I do love this winsome wisp of sentimentality. It reminds me of my high school best friend, who has since disappeared into the ethers. Not that this song was even around when I was in high school (would that I were that young), but the feeling it captures brings me back to that time and that particular relationship. Certainly a touch saccharine (the song, that is), but I can live with that. Sometimes you want a Tab.

  2. On second thought, sometimes you want a sugar free Capri Sun juice pouch (which better matches the song, I think).

  3. Chuckling to myself! Yep, Capri Sun sans sucre works best. Tab would work for other aesthetics of childhoods passed, though. It sort of reminds me of the teenagers in my life in the '70s who suntanned and listened to 8-tracks and probably did coke unbeknownst to me.
